There are plenty of great exercises you can do to build strength and flexibility specifically for golf. The exercises you do to warm up pre game are all about preparing your body to play and optimising your results!
This means warming up the right muscles, increasing your body temperature and practising the movement patterns required to bring out your best game. Ive picked the following 5 exercises as the ones that I think are most beneficial.
Before starting the exercise, warm your body up by having a 3-5 minute walk. Then:
1. Squats with golf club: Hold your club out in front of your body (hands shoulder width apart and club at shoulder height). Sit back into your squat as you lift your club up above shoulder level with both hands (stretching shoulders). Remember with your squat to keep the weight into your heels and your back in a nice neutral position (no bending or over arching through spine). This exercise with loosen up your shoulders as well getting some blood pumping into the leg and butt muscles.
Repeat x 10
2. Shoulder Mobilisation: If you have no shoulder problems, take the club in one hand (at the handle), and lift it up and over then behind the back (see pic). Your other hand
then reaches behind the back to hold the club at the other end . Release with the top hand and take the club from behind the back and back around over the top. Continue to pass from one hand to the other (like a figure 8 movement). Repeat x 10.
3. Leg swings: Now to think about loosening up those hip flexors. We know dynamic stretches are better pre game so get that leg a-swinging! Hold onto a fence or your club for support and then start with small leg swings back and forth. Increase your swing as the muscles loose up! Repeat swings x 10 per leg
4. Thoracic rotations: Next, place your club across your shoulders behind your neck (hands slightly wider than shoulders). Then bend the knees a little and lean slightly forward at the hips (similar to your swing position). From here, rotate from one side to the other – aim to get your club in front of your body with each turn. Repeat x 10 per side.
5. Practise swings: Go light with this. Spend about 2 mins practising your swing technique. This will get your body prepared for the movement and allow you to focus on your technique briefly pre game.
The you are good to go…. All set for the game of your life!