A common trigger for low back pain is poor lifting technique at the gym. It is often due to the excessive curvature of your back and reduced use of your strong leg muscles.
Simply follow these steps and your chances of injury can be minimised.
1) PLAN – Plan your lift. Are there any obstacles along the path that can be removed? Is it too heavy? Have you been progressively increasing your weights? Do you need someone else to help you?
2) PREPARE – Stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart, directly facing and standing close to the object.
3) EXECUTE – Bend over and lift the weight by pushing through your legs. Many people tend to overcorrect their spine, so try not to overarch your back and keep it neutral. Remember not to brace your stomach and don’t hold your breath during your lifting.
If your pain persists during or after lifting, come in for a thorough physiotherapy assessment. There may be other possible factors contributing to poor technique such as a lack of hip flexibility or your back compensating for your bad knees that may need to be addressed.