Do you often find yourself rushing to the bathroom with little to no notice?
Overactive bladder symptoms are prevalent amongst the female population, but their cause can be quite complex. It can often be a distressing and socially awkward condition.
There are many reasons for this problem, which means that a good treatment strategy for you will be completely different from someone else. It’s not as simple as doing some exercises from the internet, and depending on your problem this may make things worse.
When you come in for an assessment, we will take a detailed history to understand what may be causing your symptoms. We’ll then come up with a smart, tailored treatment solution for you.
Treatment strategies may include:
- Treating any unfixed c-fibres that are caused by recurrent UTIs
- Treating bowel dysfunctions:
- Constipation
- Prolapse
- Fibre management
- Toilet retraining
- Lifestyle management
- Treating vaginal atrophy for stiff and weakened vaginal wall tissues
- Treating your bladder directly:
- Fluid intake management
- Addressing bladder irritants
- Trigger training
- Urgency suppression training
- Scheduled voiding
- Treating overactive and tight pelvic floors
You don’t have to put up with this as “normal”…it’s not and we can help! Come and see us today and get more control over your bladder.