Fixing Below the Belt
Physiotherapy, combined with medical management is beneficial in treating:
Physiotherapy Treatment
A Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist will:
- Work as a team with other health practitioners
- Assess symptoms via thorough specific questioning
- Assess all aspects of PF muscle function per vaginum
- Assess posture and lumbopelvic muscle function
- Establish a clinical diagnosis
- Educate and explain using models and illustrations
- Set individual treatment goals in collaboration with the patient
- Initiate use of appropriate, reliable and valid outcome measurement tools
- Provide effective treatment based on individual assessment findings, with progression on exercises likely to resolve the symptoms without surgery or medications
- Continue treatment with supervision, motivation, feedback (verbal and/or EMG biofeedback) and adherence strategies
- Provide successful treatment to women of any age
- Regularly communicate with the referring GP or specialist regarding assessment findings, progress and outcomes.
What are the symptoms?
Bladder Symptoms include:
- Leak urine with coughs, sneezes, exercise or on the way to the toilet
- Pass urine frequently
- Rush to the toilet – urgency
- Get up twice or more at night to pass urine
- Wet the bed when asleep
- Feel their bladder is not completely empty
- Poor urine flow
- Strain to get bladder to empty
- Frequent urinary tract infections
Bowel Symptoms Include:
- Leakage from the bowel with the urge to open their bowels
- Urgency with the urge to open their bowels
- Leakage from the bowel on passing wind
- Unable to control wind
- Straining to empty their bowels
At Sydney Physiotherapy Solutions our highly qualified physiotherapists specialise in the assessment, treatment and prevention of neuromusculoskeletal injuries.
Contact us today – 9252 5770