Physical therapists do a lot more than just stretch or strengthen weak muscles after an injury or surgery. They are skilled at evaluating and diagnosing potential problems before they lead to more-serious injuries or disabling conditions from carpal tunnel syndrome or a frozen shoulder to chronic headaches or lower-back pain.
A physiotherapist is concerned with helping you achieve the best quality of life possible through functional movement. The physiotherapist has a great understanding of human movement and uses this understanding to evaluate current problems or functions but also is able to diagnose those issues which may lead to more serious conditions.
Individuals have the capacity to change and often respond differently to different factors such as injuries and accidents, psychological problems, social problems and even environmental problems. The physiotherapist is skilled & trained in identifying and outlining treatment plans for these issues.
At Sydney Physio Solutions we believe in open and effective communication with the patient and family/care giver and also operate in conjunction with a whole team of other health care professionals if necessary.
Physiotherapists are critical when movement and function are threatened by ageing, injury, pain, diseases, disorders, conditions or environmental factors. As technology improves it is being integrated into the treatments provided by physiotherapists. Our physiotherapists are constantly updating their skills through conferences, workshops and courses and share this knowledge with all our practitioners.