The problem
- Pain persisting for >3 months
- Causing physical disability and psychological stress
- Increasingly common with older age
Interesting facts
- CLBP does not always have a clearly defined underlying pathological cause
- There may be underlying causes contributing to your back pain inclusive of poor posture and poor back ‘habits’ that leads to ongoing stress to one area of your spine
- Multidisciplinary therapy (utilising both physical and psychological interventions) has been shown to assist some people to improve their functional capacity.
- Drug therapy will not ‘cure’ your CLBP
What you can expect/look out for
- Unfortunately outcomes are still universally poor for individual interventions for CLBP
- Be prepared for continued discomfort for a while to come
Hints for self management
- Try to stay positive. If you feel stressed discuss this with your GP. They may be able to help.
- Do not hang all your hopes on a singular treatment strategy. Evidence does not hold well that one therapy in isolation will reduce your pain.
- Stay active with regular exercise (x3/wk) that does not aggravate your pain
- Try to return to work, even if only on limited duties
Management options
- Keep discussing your issues, both physical and psychological, with your GP
- Pain Management Clinics, discuss this with your Doctor
- Being more aware of your posture and the muscles that support your spine, as well as the stresses you place your spine under during the day can help your symptoms
- Bogduk N, Management of chronic low back pain MJA 2004; 180 (2): 79-83
- Chrubasik S,Treatment of low back pain exacerbations with willow bark extract: a randomized double-blind study. Am J Med. 2000 Jul;109(1):9-14.
At Sydney Physiotherapy Solutions our highly qualified physiotherapists specialise in the assessment, treatment and prevention of neuromusculoskeletal injuries.
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