Back pain is a common issue in today’s population. Whether it be from sport, sitting at a desk all day or from a traumatic event like a car accident. Diagnosis of your condition is key as there is not a one size fits all treatment program to rid you from back pain. Here are some suggestions for your everyday stiff, achey back.
1. Good seated posture– slumping in your chair all day can lead to a lot of back stiffness and aching. If it becomes really stiff, over time you may get degenerative issues.
2. Keep active– Research still hasn’t been able to specify the exact amount you need for your back to be healthy, all we know is that no exercises is bad. So find what works for you. The more sedentary you are at work, the more time you should spend being active outside of work.
3. Standing desk– Posture issues? Just stand up and and you won’t be slumping through your back anymore. These desks are somewhat expensive but can you really put a price on your overall health and wellbeing?
4. Range of motion– work on your range of motion when at home or the gym. Rolling on the foam roller is helpful as well as some rotation stretching or low back extension work.
5. Pilates or yoga– Pilate Classes Sydney are great exercise classes for low impact, small muscle strengthening and flexibility.
If you suffer from back pain contact the team at Sydney Physiotherapy Solutions to make an appointment with one of our back pain specialists.